Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Updates - 6/29/16

  • After singing the Vigil for Ss Peter and Paul last night, several corrections to the Vigil document have been made:
    • The "Lord I Call" Now verse is now the Theotokion Dogmaticon in Tone 4
    • Two sections of the Magnification (O Apostles...) were incorrect
    • An "Amen" was added after the blessing of the bread & after the last verse of the Post-Gospel stichera
    • Added "We Praise, Bless and Worship..." after Canon Ode 8 (before the Katavasia)
    • Added a  note that the Magnificat should be sung before Canon Ode 9
    • Fixed wording on Praises vs 4/3 & Glory/Now stichera
    • Changed dismissal "More honorable..." wording from "defilement" to "corruption"
  • In Vespers and Matins - Misc section:
    • added a cleaned up version of the Traditional Magnificat


  1. I also believe that the prokimenon at Matins has the correct text, but the wrong tone: it should be in tone 4, I think (this way it will fit better with the "Let everything that has breath" which is in tone 4.)

  2. If it turns out that the prokimenon is in tone 8, then the "Let everything that has breath' should be sung to the same tone 8 in the same version (e.g. obikhod, znamenny, etc.)

    The same holds true for the "Holy is the Lord our God" (before the Praises) when appointed (e.g. Saturday evening Vigil) -- all three in the same version of the same tone.
