Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Transfiguration & Dormition Vigil Documents

Transfiguration Vigil PDF:
  1. Lord I Call & Litya Music has been re-typeset to match more standard patterns
  2. The Katavasia for the Canon has been added
  3. Note calling for an Augmented Litany before Litany of Matins has been added (per requested of Fr John)
Dormition Vigil PDF:
  1. Note calling for an Augmented Litany before Litany of Matins has been added (per requested of Fr John)


  1. I have noticed that in your "Vigil" material, you indicate that the beginning of Great Vespers is:
    priest -- sing "O Com let us worship...."
    reader: usual beginning for Vespers
    Choir -- sing "Bless the Lord...."
    Priest/choir: Great Litany

    It has been my experience that when Vespers forms part of a Vigil
    there is NO READING of "O Heavenly King..." Trisagion, Lord's Prayer.

    The opening is:
    priest [with censer]: Glory to the Holy ...
    choir: Amen
    clergy: O Come, let us worship ....
    choir: Psalm -- Bless the Lord... [priest censes Temple]
    priest [deacon]/ choir: Great Litany.

    Perhaps it is different in your tradition.

  2. Yes, you are correct. We do the opening as you describe, singing Bless the Lord. I guess I meant usual Vespers beginning at Vigil. Thanks.

    1. But there is nothing for the reader to chant between the clergy's "O Come let us worship...." and the choir's "Bless the Lord, O my soul...."
