Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tonight's Matins

I posted an important update for tonight's Bridegroom Matins. The Kontakion melody was incorrect.


  1. I believe that after the final tropar in Ode 3 Wednesday Bridegroom Matins –Canon Page 2

    In Ode 3 of Wednesday's Kanon:

    1. The refrain "Glory to Thee,OGod,glory to Thee!" should be "Glory to Thee, O God, glory to Thee!"

    2. I believe that the final tropar in Ode 3

    "The fearful council of lawless men, with souls full of hatred toward God, intends to kill the righteous Christ as an evildoer. But we sing unto Thee: Thouartour God, and none is holy but Thee, O Lord." the phrase "Thouartour God" should read "Thou art our God."

    3. I believe that after this tropar the refrain "Glory to Thee, O God,glory to Thee!" should be omitted and the reader should do directly to " Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and tothe Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen" (with "tothe" being changed to "to the.")

    I did not check the other Odes for similar mis-typings.

  2. I have looked more closely at the Bridegroom Matins canons.

    1. Tuesday Canon, 9th Ode contains BOTH "Glory to Thee..." AND "Glory be ... Now and ever." before the Katavasia. It should be ONLY "Glory ... Now and ever...."

    2. At the conclusion of the 8th Ode, when the reader says "Let us bless Father...." the choir responds "We praise, bless and worship ...." then the Katavasia (one of your canons omits the choir response).

    3. It seems you often have the reader do "Glory ... Now and ever" -- then the final tropar -- then the Katavasia. I believe that the correct way is to do the final tropar, then "Glory ... now and ever ..." (or the variant for the 8th ode) then the katavasia.

  3. I based my observations about the placement of "Glory ... Now and ever ..." on the booklets published by SVS Press. However, on checking other texts, I find things often laid out as you indicate: Hiermos -- Glory to Thee ... [Tropar ... Glory to Thee...] final tropar Glory ... Now and ever.... Katavasia.

    For the 8th Ode, however, this seems to be the pattern (from Monday Matins):

    Let us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    “Let your power over your fellow-men be altogether different from the dominion of the Gentiles: their self-willed pride is not the order that I have appointed, but a tyranny. He therefore who would be the first among you, let him be the last of all. Acknowledge Me as Lord, and praise and exalt Me above all forever.”

    We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, praising and supremely exalting Him unto all ages.

    Katavasia: The unwearied fire, fed with endless fuel, drew back in fear before the pure bodies and pure souls of the holy Children; and as the undying flame decreased in strength, they sang an everlasting song: O all ye works, praise ye the Lord and exalt Him above all forever.

    Sorry if I misled you.

    1. I'll review all these things next week. Have a blessed Pascha!

  4. I do not seem to be able to locate the Canon for Great Thursday Matins. Am I looking in the wrong place?

  5. Unfortunately, not all of the Canons are publicly available on line. The OCA Canada has some of them, as here for Friday night:


    The text of the Canon for Thursday night (but not the music) is here:


    We have purchased and use the Canon music from the books published by St Vlad Seminary but we cannot make this publicly available.

    Blessed Pascha!
